Good for you

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Thanks Conor!

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OT. Hi ESG, could you respond to the charge made by Tucker last night and now Michael Shellenberger ( failed republican candidate in CA governor recall election. ). They say Sri Lanka has failed because of an over focus on raising their ESG score. "... But the biggest and main problem causing Sri Lanka’s fall was its ban on chemical fertilizers in April 2021. ..."


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Lets get it!!!!!

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Good for you! Who isn't sick of The Elon Musk Show—nothing but repeats now. LOL. I look forward to reading a variety of your impressive work directed at the much larger world of progress and speed bumps developing in promising industries building our future.

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Heck, I am looking forward to imminent Starship launches. If the Raptor 2 engines work as designed SpaceX will be launching and recovering the largest, most powerful rocket of all time. If democrats cannot stop him now, they have no chance to get in his way once SpaceX resumes their pattern of incremental launch successes.

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You do good work but I don't like you so no $$$

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yeah, better to have a steady stream of tanker trucks lumbering to and from Starbase with loads of water and fuel than to produce locally. The knowledge and skills SpaceX engineers would have garnered from building the desalination and LNG plants - Americans do not need to develop those skills anyhow. Based on their record of innovation and engineering excellence, SpaceX likely would have advanced desalination technology. Which would benefit the world greatly being that fresh water is increasingly in short supply - think Egypt. But the Feds have got to hassle Elon somehow.

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Absolutely deranged, but God bless you, good sir!

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You are the self described expert. Explain how the denial of the desalination facility serves the greater social or environmental good. It certainly would help the largely Hispanic local workforce. Allowing Elon to work his innovative engineering magic might result in desalination technology advances. But no, it is like the prime directive at work. Must hassle the independent innovator.

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