I'm sure I'm not eh only one here to say this but.. Can't wait to watch the movie that will be made on this little adventure.

Hope to see it in headlines soon!

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The PEA clearly states - repeatedly - that it only covers actions taking place on the designated properties and that actually doing some things - such as the Pre-treatment Plant - will require review and permits from other agencies. I too dislike the current plan as presented. What would be really helpful is a timeline for all of this. After all, it is likely to take SpaceX a few years to get all the permits and reviews actualizing the Pre-treatment plant and Power plant will require.

Frankly, your braying over fracking is 100% FUD. The methane will be coming from somewhere regardless of whether SpaceX's subsidiary pumps it directly or it comes from a well 100s of miles away. Is local really any worse than far afield? I notice that in all your "exposing" you haven't bothered to offer any alternatives.

I would like to know things such as:

1) Why can't electricity be purchased from the local utility?

2) Would the local utility need to add generation capacity to accommodate SpaceX's needs?

3) Is the plan to add electric generation capacity basically on an "as needed" basis (a small turbine AND a large turbine are planned)?

4) If the timeline doesn't require massive electricity capacity until later in the decade, how about swapping out the methane fueled power plant for a NuScale modular nuclear reactor? Each module can generate up to 77MW.

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